A Declaration of Independence

Declaring Independence from the Policies and Practices of President Trump

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary and appropriate for the People to disassociate themselves from the policies and practices of the President, they should publicly state the reasons that impel them to declare their opposition.

We hold these truths to be self-evident. That all persons are created equal. That they possess certain unalienable and natural rights; that among these are life, freedom, justice, liberty, equality, fairness and opportunity. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted. That the President and the Administration are bound to protect, preserve and defend these rights, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed, the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the laws of the nation. That when, as now, the policies and practices of the President and the Administration become destructive of these truths, it is the right of the People to declare their independence from the policies and practices of the President and the Administration.

When the President implements and/or advocates policies and practices inconsistent with the Constitution, the rule of law, and fundamental American values, it is incumbent upon the People to speak out and to take action, individually and collectively, to oppose, challenge and resist, where necessary and appropriate.

Such has been the case of President Donald J. Trump and his administration since his inauguration on January 20, 2017.

The grievances listed below—actions taken by President Trump and his administration—raise serious legal and constitutional issues or undermine American values:

  • He signed the Executive Order (EO) entitled “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States.” The EO, among other actions, temporarily suspends the operation of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program and indefinitely bans the entry of Syrian refugees; temporarily suspends entry of all persons from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen; and institutes exceptions and preferences for refugees who are members of a religious minority and claim religious persecution.Numerous legal cases alleging such challenges to this EO were brought in federal courts around the country. In the days following the EO, at least seven federal district courts temporarily halted the implementation of the EO, in whole or in part, though one of the courts denied a motion to extend a temporary restraining order (“TRO”).In State of Washington v. Trump, Judge James L. Robart granted a TRO on February 3, 2017. On February 9, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied the Government’s emergency motion for a stay pending appeal of the TRO issued by Judge Robart. On February 16, 2017, the Government filed a brief with the Ninth Circuit stating, “Rather than continue this litigation, the President intends in the near future to rescind the order and replace it with a new, substantially revised executive order. …” (commentary and analysis)
  • He signed the Executive Order entitled “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States.” The EO targets “sanctuary” jurisdictions, stating that it is the policy of the executive branch to “[e]nsure that jurisdictions that fail to comply with applicable Federal law do not receive Federal Funds, except as mandated by law” and “as deemed necessary for law enforcement purposes[.]” Funding conditions not germane to the purpose of the funds raise a serious Tenth Amendment constitutional question. (commentary and analysis)

  • NEW: Following up on the President’s executive order 13768, “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States,” the Trump Administration is targeting jurisdictions which as a policy do not honor ICE detainers. ICE was publishing a weekly list of cities refusing to abide by the ICE detainer request to pressure these jurisdictions into detaining persons at the request of ICE. Recently, ICE suspended this practice after two such reports were issued, reportedly due to “errors” in the reports. The ICE detainers give rise to constitutional concerns.

    ICE, by its own statement, seeks to persuade local law enforcement authorities to obey ICE detainers. However, such detainers are, unless accompanied by a warrant, unconstitutional. Multiple courts have so held, most recently in a decision in Texas earlier this year in Mercado v. Dallas Cty., 2017 WL 169102 (N.D. Tex. Jan. 17, 2017). Moreover, obeying ICE detainers can make local law enforcement agencies liable for damages. (commentary and analysis)

    On April 25, 2017, in County of Santa Clara v. Trump, 2017 WL 1459081 (N.D.Cal., 2017), a district court issued a preliminary nationwide injunction against enforcing section 9 of executive order 13768, which seeks to withhold Federal grants from sanctuary jurisdictions. The court found that enforcement of section 9 of the order violated the Constitution’s separation of powers, the Tenth Amendment, and the Fifth Amendment’s due process requirements. (commentary and analysis) 

    (added post-signing)

  • He signed the Executive Order (EO) entitled “Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements.” The EO declares that it is the policy of the executive branch for a wall along the southern border with Mexico to be built. The EO orders the Secretary of Homeland Security to design and construct the wall, to allocate funding to the wall, and to prepare a Congressional budget request. The Secure Fence Act of 2006 (“SFA”) is one of the statutes this EO relies on. The SFA authorizes the government to act as “necessary and appropriate.” The U.S. Supreme Court has held that under such a statute, “no regulation is ‘appropriate’ if it does significantly more harm than good.” (commentary and analysis)
  • He has declared that his administration would “totally destroy” the Johnson Amendment, thereby enabling tax-exempt churches to endorse or oppose political candidates and to engage in lobbying activities. Courts have held that the Johnson Amendment does not violate the First Amendment. (commentary and analysis)

  • NEW: He issued on March 6, 2017 a second Executive Order entitled “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States.” The new EO, among other actions, temporarily suspends from “entry into the United States” certain nationals of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, and also temporarily suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.

    (added post-signing – see commentary)

  • His administration removed all references to Civil Rights from the White House website.
  • His administration removed all references to LGBT Rights from the White House website.
  • His administration removed all references to Climate Change from the White House website.
  • His administration removed all Spanish language content from the White House website.
  • His administration directed personnel at the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of the Interior, the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services not to send out press releases or to create social media posts, blog entries or official website content and to consult with senior officials before speaking to the news media.
  • He told Congressional leaders three to five million illegal ballots cost him the popular vote in the November 8, 2016 Presidential election, citing little or no evidence and undermining the electoral process.
  • He believes that water-boarding is effective in eliciting information and has said that people at the highest levels of intelligence have informed him that torture in general is similarly effective.
  • He stated, “The press has become so dishonest … Many of our nation’s reporters will not tell you the truth …” and his Assistant and Chief Strategist stated that he considers the media to be the “opposition party” and that the media should “keep its mouth shut.”
  • He reacted to federal Judge James Robart’s granting a nationwide TRO regarding parts of the EO “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States” in a twitter post stating, “The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially take law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned.” President Trump also tweeted, “Just can’t believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and the court system.”

We, the undersigned, hereby publish and declare that we will oppose, challenge and resist, when necessary and appropriate, any and all policies and practices that are antithetical to the natural and constitutional rights of the People. These rights include but are not limited to, free speech, a free press, a right to protest and a right to redress grievances, probable cause for allegations of criminal activity, due process and equal protection under the law.

The United States of America was founded on the above-mentioned principles. They have always been aspirational—not a description of what is, but of what we must strive to become. Even in the face of fierce opposition, history has demonstrated our country’s willingness to strive for and make progress towards inclusion, equality, safety and opportunity for all. We are proud of America’s values. They lay the foundation of our collective pursuit of happiness. We cannot and will not give them up. The People have prevailed in the past, and will prevail once again, in upholding core American values.

February 23, 2017

Add your name

Alice Acheson
Alan Appelbaum
Judith Appelbaum
Stephanie Axinn
Rachel Biermann
Rodney Biermann
Hayden Bixby
Sheila Bowles
Sharon Bronte
Maratea Cantarella
Laurie Caplan
Ellen M. Chafee
Greg Cornell
Rodney Cotton
Savitri D.
Jenny Davis
Gibson Del Guidice
Bill Dobbs
Sherri Donovan
Marilyn Eiges
Rita Elegant
Matthew Evans
Saralee Evans
Fredda Feldman
Rich Florentino
Dennis Flores
Diane Fogg
Erica Ford
Gregory Fortson
D. Bunji Fromartz
Lisa Fromartz
Judie Gardner
Charlandra Gibson
Ira Glasser
Jim Glaser
Esperanza Gonzalez
Alice Goodman
Debra Goodman
Christina Greer
JoAnne Growney
Lee Gruzen
Richard Haase
Ted Hamm
Damian Henriques
Born Hicks
Nancy Hobbs
Tom Houck
Andy Humm
Ronald Hunnings
Mimi Hyman
Steven Hyman
Kay Jackson
Florence Janovic
Mary Jansen
Alexis Johnson
Sam Johnson
Sarah Johnson
George Kaler
Elizabeth Kane
Caroline King
Nicole Kreytak
Ron Kuby
April Lang
Jonathan Langer
Andre Maldonado
Andrew Mancilla
John P. Marshall
Judith Miles
Robin Miller
Sherri Montgomery
Britton Mosley
Kristen Ann Neville
Richard Newman
Tomi Obayashi
Diane Pankey
Reggie Pierre
Tonya Pinkins
Malva E. Rabinowitz
Christina Rosenthal
Jacqueline Sams
Carla Sanderson
Dana Sanderson
John V. Sanderson
Mary Sanderson
Mitziko Sawada
LeeAnne Schultz
Eleanor Shakin
Norman Siegel
Michael Skolnik
Cal Snyder
Arnold Spellun
Laura Sword
Rev. Billy Talen
Elinor Tatum
Herbert Teitelbaum
Tom Ulrich
Melissa Ulto
Rose Unes
Tore Usdam
Deb Vanasse
Elsia Vasquez
Miguel A. Vega
Nicholas Vega
Patricia Vidil
Mark Vincent
Donna Wandrey
Earl Ward
Michelle Wilds
Veronica Williams
Adrienne Yurick
Susanna Yurick
Andrew Yutter

Elaine Abelson
Sue Abiad
Ruth J. Abram
Carolynn Abst
Ann Acton
Bruce Adolphe
Aaron Agne
Mohammed Alam
Deborah Albrecht
Janice Alexander
Marianne Allegro
John Allen
Judy Allen
Susan Allen
Julie Alley
Jacqueline Allmond
Susan Alper
Ruth Alperson
Ed Amador
Dana Cunningham Anderson
Bennie L. Andrews III
Ananda Apfelbaum
Hans Apfelbaum
Claudia Apfelbaum
Lynn Appelbaum
Ginny Apuzzo
Aurora Arana
Patricia Arduini
Kathleen Arnold
Nan Aron
Terri Ashinhurst
Bart Astor
Patricia Atkinson
Richard Aurelio
Gloria Austin
Isabelle Autones
Linda Avila
Lan Yin Bachelis
Sandi Bachom
Phil Bader
Deirdre Bair
Kathryn Baker
Jane D. Bannor
Ann Barasch
Cathy Barbash
Lillian Barbash
Tracy Barber
Eileen Bardel
Joseph Barnett
Sheri Baron
Todd Baron
K Barron
Karen Bartig
Ellen Baru
Ron Bascombe
Yuliya Basis
Erica Baum
Jennifer Belts
Sharon Ben-Meir
Francisca Benitez
April Benson
Ruth Benson
Ted Bent
Gretchen Benz
Lynne Berentson
Anna Berg
Patricia Berg
Robert Berger
Joanne Berghold
Gwen Bergner
Kim Bergner
Annette Berman
Ariana Bernaerts
Bruno Bernal
Richard Berner
Barbara Bernstein
Bruce Bernstein
Jephta Bernstein
R.B. Bernstein
Sergio Bicas
Timothy Biel
Deborah Birnbaum
Debra Bishop
Chris Bitner
Teva Bjerken
Courtney Blue
Dena Bock
Jay Bock
Masako Bogin
Benan Bond
Karen Borders
Ray Bordine
Andrea Jo Borgmann
Michael Bournas-Ney
Bill Bowers
Bill Bowman
Herb Boyd
Julie Boyd
Bernard Brady
A.D. Brandes
Elizabeth Brandt
Jimmy Brash
Jennifer R. Braun
Nathalie Bridegam
Janet Brof
Addison Bross
Norman Brouwer
Brad Brown
Jennie Brown
Natalie Brown
Reginald Brown
Nadine Brozan
Karen Brudney
Leslie Burdick
Howard Burkat
Dick Burkhart
Brian Burns
Vinnie Burrows
Ken Butler
Mark Butler
Debra Cagwin
Carmela Califano
Charlene Callahan
Justin Carboneau
Matthew Cariello
Richard Carlsen
Ann Carlson
Cocoa Carter
Margaret (Polly) Carter
Peggy Casey
Max Cattaneo
Andrew G. Celli, Jr.
Kathleen Chalfant
Barbara Charles
Nola Veganes Chavez
Jill Chesler
Maria A. Chimblo
Richard D. Chimblo
Reah Chiu
James B. Chumbley
Sarah Ciapessoni
Kim Cissel
Sheri Clemons
Forrest Clock
Julia Cochrane
Amy Cohen
Seth David Cohen
Bernice Cohn
Rod Colvin
Gail Conrad
Nicholas Constantakis
Alex Cook
Margaret Cook
Logan Cooney
Shanti Cope
Joan M. Cornell
Suzanne Cornell
Fran Costigan
Maureen Coughlin
Prentis Covington
Joy Cranker
Cheryl Creech
Denyse Creesy
Anna Cromwell
Bob Croteau
Justine Croteau
Robert Crouse
Soraya Ctuz
Jan Cucchiarella
Marion Phyllis Cunningham
Isabel Cutler
Mary J. Danielski
Janet Darcher
Audrey David
Douglas Davidove
Suzanne Davis
Joan Dean
Michelle Delaney
Robert Dellacona
Barbara Diamond
Natalie Diaz
Jeri Henson Dies
William DiMartino
Michael Dineen
Elizabeth Dinunzio
Carol Diskin
Pat Donaldson
Carmelo Donato
Minerva Donato
Jeannette Dothee
Angela Dowdle
Virginia Downs
Rachel Dowty
Tessa Dratt
Chelsea Dreher
Terry Drohlich
Mark Drusin
Peter Dsggett
Herbert Due
Leon Duych
Roses E. Katz
Sulema Ebrahim
Julianne Eggert
Craig Einhorn
Gail Eisenberg
Ellen Eisenman
Elaine Ellis
Scotty Embree
John Emmanuel
Dana Engel
Carolyn Enger
Constance Engle
J. Lynn Engle
Mary Entrike
Caleb Esrig
Dr. Tracy Ann Essoglou
Roberta Estar
Bruce Ettenberg
Debra Ettenberg
Laura Ettenberg
Dick Evans
Shani Evans
Tracy Evans
Jinny Ewald
Meridee J. Faber
Natasha Fabiene
Jory Faermark
Eileen Fallon
Julia Famularo
Abigail Farber
Johnie Farmer
Anthony Fathman
Garry Fathman
Melanie Fathman
Melissa Fathman
Brendan Fay
Elvira Ferrario
Penny Ferrer
David Ferris
Joyce Field
Susan Fine
Eric Finley
Angelina Fiordellisi
Mindy Fischer
Barbara Fisher
Cheryl Fisher
John Fitzgerald
David John Fleck
Olivia Flournoy
Winfield Forde
Sandra Forgelman
Gary Forman
Jonathan Foster
Kathy Fox
Loren Fox
Steven Fraade
Earl Freeman
Jules Freeman
Nora Freeman
Dorothy Friedman
Leonard Friedman
Ruth Furbee
Gayle Gaddis
Bernice Galef
Margaret Gallagher
Sandra M. Gamble
Alex Garber
René Garcia
Deley Gazinelli
Dr. Amy Gelfand
Brandon Genge
Michelle Gent
Tom Gerety
Ann Gerlock
Emily Gerson Saines
Melanie Ghaw
Nancy Giacci
Steven C. Giddens
Shelley Gilbert
Howard Gilchrist
Darcy Gill
Carol Gilligan
James Gilligan
Michael Gilligan
David Gillis
Robin Ginac
Susan Gish
Russ Gladstone
Jim Glaser
Mitchell Glenn
Roberta Glick
Jill Godmilow
Laurie R. Goldstein
Neil Goldstein
Catherine Gonick
Joshua Gonzalez
Bambi Good
Susan Goodell
Gail Gordon
Sheila Gordon
Cali Gorevic
Jeff Gorman
Adam Gorra
Judie Gorra
Meghan Gosselink
Kerry Gough
Janet Graham
Teri Graham
Carol Greenberg
Deborah Greenberg
Francis Greenburger
Mary Gregoire
Carol Gresser
Sj Griffin
Paul Grimsrud
Debra Griner
Judith Griswold
Deborah Grossman
Joan Gruzen
Rachel Gruzen
Elaine Guihan
Linda Guthrie
David H.
Bobby Haas
Robert Hackman
Holly Hager
Laura H. Haglund
Frances Hagstrom
Thomas Haines
Andrew Hall
Lynda Hamilton
Tiffany Hamilton
Carmen Hammersmith
Beatrice Hanks
Stephen Hanks
Elizabeth Hanna
Alexander Hardan
Betsey Harding
Martha Hardwick-Wrenn
Michael A. Hardy
Beverley Harper Tinsley
Helen Harrell
Barbara Harris
Barbara Harris
Kim Harris
Rhana Harris
Trevor Harris
Guinette Harrison
Adam Hartline
Daniel Haselkorn
Susan Hason
Lauren Hasty
John Haubrich
Barbara Haver-Mentzer
Jill Haverland-Wilder
Kay Haxton
Jean Hearst
Jenny Heinz
Lisa Heinz
Arthur Heiserman
Stanley Hellman
Scott Hendrickson
John Henley
Sahra Henrickson
William Henry
Jennifer Hepner
Mary Herbert
Mary Herin
Penny Hershman
Nicole Herz
Drew Herzig
Elaine Herzog
Bette Hestle
Bette Cerf Hill
Randall Hilliard
Sam Himmelstein
Luke Hirshberg
David Hodges
Mary Holland
Joshua Hollander
Kathy Hollen
Julia Holton
Ann Homan
Judy Homanich
Lee Honickman
Karen Hoover
Marla Anna Hoover
Karen Horn
Mayda Horstmann
Belle Horwitz
Martin Horwitz
Charles B. Houghtlin
David Houghton
Leslie Housman
Elizabeth Howell
Martha Howell
Nicholas Hoyte
Annie Hughes
Bridget Hughes
Richard Hunnings
Marc Huppert
Rome Hutchings
Cate Hyatt
Susan Ingall
Bobby Irvine
Ari Isaacman-Beck
Collin Ivy
Ruby Jackson
Lareen Jacobs
Linda Jacobs
Anita Jacobson
Lyn Jacobson
Robert J. Jacobson, Jr.
Stephanie Jaeger
Evan Janovic
Spencer Jarrett
Daniel Javitch
Gevais N. Jefferson-Restivo
Beverly E Jerome
Jerry J Jerome Jr
Dee Johnson
Veronica Johnson
Wendy Johnson
Sally Jones
Howard Jordan
Teresita Jose
Meghan Joseph
Joseph Juntunen
Jeffrey Kahane
Susan Kane
Marvin Kantrowitz
Elinore Kaplan
Christina Karaba
Laura Karr
Judith Katten
Elaine Kaufman
Jeffrey Kaufman
Mindy Kaufman
R. Kaufman
Terence Keach
Tom Keck
Patricia Kellogg
Bernadette Kelly
William Kelly
Dorothea Kempel
Kandy Kendall
April Kennedy
Joan Kenny
John Kessler
Kit Ketcham
Jacquelyn Kiefner
Brenda Kiehlmeier
Peter King
Laura Kinnel
Karen Kirschner
Ilisia Kissner
Nancy Kitanik
Anne Klaeysen
Pierre Kleiber
Nicole Klein
Ruth Klein
Heather Kleszczynski
Elissa Kline
Gela Kline
Robert Kline
Joseph Klinkov
Eric Koenig
Barbara Koffsky
Servete Kolar
Evelyn Konrad
Francine Korotzer
Jane Kosminsky
Elaine Koss
Ilene Kramer
Richenda Kramer
Nancy Kramer-Moyer
Kallyn Krash
Kallyn Krash
Shayna Kreisler
Annlinn Kruger
Maryos Kuiper
Kenny LaBorde
Valyrie Laedlein
Cody Landry
Joseph M. Lara
Michael Laser
Judith Lasko
Marjorie Latham
Celia Latz
Rachelle Laytner
Bernice D. Lazar
Alexandra Leaf
Nydia Leaf
Patrick Leaper
Angela Leddy
Madeline Lee
Alexandra Leh
Louis Lehmann
Kathy Leichter
James Lemons
Hermine Leone
Susan Leslierandal
Dena Levine
Barry Levitt
Fran Levy
Bin Zhao Liang
Laura Liben
Vincent Liebhart
Jean Lieverman
Woody Lifton
Philip Likes
Susan Likes
Lisa Lincoln
Jan Lindemann
Kathryn Linhardt
Laverne Linnenkamp
Angela Lipsman
Kathleen Little-Astor
Billy Livsey
Satiarra Lloyd
Robin Locke Monda
Mary Loe
David Loewi
Ernest Londa
Douglas Long
Sharon Long
Linda LoPresti
O’Neill Louchard
Janice Lovegrove
Terry Lowman
Yvonne R. Lucas
Matt Luedke
Evelyne Luest
John Lund-Molfese
Mary Jane Lundgren
C. Luskiewicz
Zoe Lyles
R. Andrew Maass
Virginia S. Macdonald
Stephanie Mack
Nora Mackenzie
Peg Maginn
Thomas Mahoney
Robert Maiolo
Godfrey Mak
Ruby Malik
M.E. Manning
Judith Marcellini
Lisa Marcoccia
Elaine Marks
jean Marra
Jenna Martin
Himelda Martinez
Rich Martino
Massimo Mascoli
Stuart M. Matlins
Marianna Maver
Arthur Mayer
Nicole Mcbrearty
Philip Mccaffrey
Alia McCants
Stephen Loren McCleary
Georgette McConnell
Frances McCutchon
George McDonald
Kathryn McDonald
Patricia McDow
Stacey McGarr
Yeprem Mehranian
Elliott Meisel
Violaine Melancon
Albert Melançon
Bob Meola
Georgia Metz
Catherine Al-Meten Meyers
James Meyerson
Oscar Michelen
Caroll Michels
Janet Mihuc
James Miles
Judith Miles
Marsha Miles
Batya Miller
Jed Miller
Mary Kathleen Miller
Robin K. Miller
Delma Mindel
David Misch
Mary Jo Miserendino
Amy Moisan
Elaine Mokhtefi
Shyne Mon
Frances Montgomery
Adelia Moore
Denise Moore
Jean P. Moore
Angelica Moratos
Terry Morris
Britton Mosley, Sr.
Suzan Moss
Rob Mounsey
Mary B. Mulvihill
Susan Munger
Sean Murphy
Brandi Murray
Juliana Myers
Louisa Cabot Myers
Richard Myers
Riva Naimark
Tammy Nation
Vincent Navarro
Lynne Navin
Susan Neely
Ashley Nelson
Tom Neufeldt
Kristin Newton
J. Nicosia
Mary Jane Nilsen
Sabra Noland
Ann Northrop
James Norton
Alice Norwick
Linda Novenski
F. O’Conaill
Tara Helen O’Connor
Kevin O’Donnell
Irene O’Garden
Frederick Oakes
Joan Oestreich
Joann Olbrich
Meredith Ollier
Barbara Berger Opotowsky
Wendy Ormond
Anne Osborn
David Osler
Robin Osler
Melissa Ousley
Jim Owen
Charlene Paden
Kim Papa
Michael Paris
Linda Parsons
Michael Pavesi
Susan Payne
Teresa Payne
Donna Peacher-Hall
Tim Peacock
Chelette Perkins
Carol L. Perry
Maya Perry
Susan Perry
Michael Peterson
John Pielmeier
Andrea Pitera
John Pitera
Peter Pohly
Murray L. Porigow
Mark Potillo
Robert Potillo
Darwin Poulos
Donna Poulos
Geraldine Powell
Rebecca Powell
Stephen Powell
David Preven
Kelly Grace Price
Eileen Prince
Lucie Prinz
Jessica Prody
Linda Puner
Jeannette Purdy
Pamela Quattrini
Susan Rae-Reeves
Kathleen Rafsky
Korina Ragouzis
Martha Rajandran
Helen Ralph
Patrice Panelli Ramkissoon
Brenda Randolph
Suzanne Randolph
Serena Rattazzi
Christina Raymond
Sandy Reavey
Sheryl Redburn
Cody Reed
A & C Regenhard
Susan Reichlin
Therese Reid
Carol Shoshkes Reiss
Philip Reiss
Francis Resch
Megan Retana
Jessica Reyes
Harriet Rhine
Sonya Rhodes
Marianne Rich
Marilyn Ridgeway
Vanessa Rivas
Cheryl Roberts
Bonnie Robinson
Karyn Robinson
Keith Robinson
Leo Rochon
Karl Rockefeller
Helen Rodriguez
Fran Rojas
Lee Rolontz
Uli Rose
Lillian Rosengarten
Faigi Rosenthal
Jack Rosenthal
Umru Rothenberg
Lourdes Roura
Destin Royer
Steven Ruhl
Jeane Russell
Maia Ruvolo
Vito Ruvolo
Diane Ryan
Tom Ryan
Tracey Ryan
JoAnn Rypl
Mary Rzepski
Alan Sabal
Jerrold Sabath
Michelle Sabin
Rachel Sacco
Hildy Sackman
Harley Sacks
B. Salamandir
Stephanie Sanchez
Sandra Sandy, Ph.D.
Enid Sanford
Joan Sanger
Sharon Santana
Marlena Santoyo
Rosita Sarnoff
Judy Sauli
Wendy Sax
Jody Sayler
Barbara Scanlan
Debra Schaffer
Richard and Linda Schaye
Virginia Schendler
Samantha Schindelheim
Edwin Schlee
Ann Schneider
Peter Schneider
Thomas Schoenwandt
Adrienne Schorr
Regina Schrambling
Paulette Schuster
Dena Schutzer
Brett Schwartz
Elaine Schwartz
Daniel A. Schwartzman
Peter E. Schwimer
Elaine Seiler
Stephanie Selekman
Leah Serebrenik
Elizabeth Settel
Mary Ann Shaening
Margaret Shapiro
Sue Shapiro
Eileen Sharkey
Elaine Shelby
George Shelby
Accra Shepp
Brad Sherman
Ann Shipley
Deb Shipley
Ahmad Shirazi
Ann Shirazi
Amy Shire
Margaret Shlasko
Amy Shorr
Rachel Sidden
Marilyn Siegel
Mary Siegel
Monique Signorat
Nancy Sigworth
Michele Silfies
Elizabeth Silkes
Jo Ann Silverstein
Alison Simko
Yvonne Simons
Elizabeth Singer
Devendra Singh
Billy Skocpol
Arlene Skversky
William Sloan
Laura Smale
Barbara Smith
Colleen Smith
James Smith
Victor Smith
Esther Sokolsky
Stephenson Solomon
Anne Sommer
Susy Soo
Jane Soodalter
Ron Soodalter
Charlie Souza
Beth Sperber
John Spicknall
Richard Spiegel
Benjamin Sprayregen
Sara Sprung
Susan Stabile
Patricia Stanley
Molly Stark
Eileen Steele
Mark Steinberg
Zina Steinberg
Bill Realman Stella
Mary Steller
Rhonda Sternberg
Colin Stevens
Kathy Stilwell
Antoinette Stinchcomb
R. Storch
Raymond Strack
Darrena Strawder
Sandra Street
Herbert Streeter
Penelope Striegel
Marija Stroke
Stephen Studnicka
Peter Stumpf
King Stumpp
Richard Sturgeon
Emmy Suhl
Patrick Joseph Sullivan
Killian Sundermann
Alice Sturm Sutter
Carinda Swann
David Swire
Frances Taliaferro
Oriana Tannenbaum
Corinne Tanser
Cynthia Tatum
Susan Tatum
Judith Tax
Ann Taylor
Lila Teitelbaum
Marilyn Teitelbaum
Steven Teitelbaum
Krista Terhune
Wanda Thellman
Ira Thomas
Melody Thomas
Susan Thomas
Aryana Thompson
Sarah Tielemans
Johanna Tiemann
Christianne Tisdale
Russ Titelman
Jana Titus
Sandy Toland
Marsha Tosk
Robin Toulouse
Patricia Townsend
Linda Treitel
Christine Trexel
Christine Tyler
Marcia Umland
Rose Uscianowski
Agastya Vaidya
Cynthia Valdes
Irene Vale
Carol and Richard Van Deusen
Harry & Kathy VanHoudnos
Lisa Vazzana
Barbara Velazquez
Andrea Velikov
Marit Vick
Helmich Visscher
Lillian Vito
Nina Von Eckardt
Barbara von Zerneck
Riachard von Zerneck
Sonal Vora
Donna Vourliotis
Marsha Wagner
Miriam Wagner
Diana Waldron
I. Walker
Sophie Walker
Barb Wallace
Jane Walsh
Monte Wasch
Linda Wasson
June Watson
Alice Watterson
Kathryn Watterson
Jennifer Watts
Rosalind Webb
David Weinraub
John Weir
Barbara Weisberg
Nancy Weston
Carl White
Joan Foor White
Sharon White
Ronald Wilkinson
Seth Willenson
Freager Williams
Laura Williams
Jerry Wilson
MaryAnn Wilson
Patricia Wilson
Joann Wiltrakis
Mark Winograd
Elizabeth Winthrop
Ross Wisdom
Craig Wood
Rick Wood
John Woods
Helenann Wright
Bruce Wunnicke
Katherine Yager
Mimi Yiengpruksawan
Mark Young
Ellen Zaltzberg
Kristi Zea
Carol Zeits
Emelyn Zhang
Janet Zimmerman
Shara Zoll
Adam Zolot
Peter Zuris
Rena Zurofsky
Mark Zuss

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Declaration 17 is an open alliance of private individuals who have joined in opposition, challenge and resistance to the policies and practices of President Trump. Our goal is to rekindle public commitment to the founding documents that first articulated America’s core values. (more)